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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Send the power!

Today marks the 7th day without power at our home in Columbus, Ohio.  Last Friday, 80 plus mph straightline winds whipped through much of the surrounding areas, downing trees, and wreaking havoc. Fortunately for many, power has been restored, but not for us.  Last time we had a significant power outage was in September 2008 after Hurricane Ike paid a visit inland.  The mild fall temperatures made it bearable.  This time, with temperatures inching toward 100 degrees, the challenge to stay "cool", in every sense of the word is great.  Thankfully, my in-laws (who live around the corner) had their power restored early and we have spent the last two nights with them. 

I can't help but reflect on the uncanny timing of such a major inconvenience which has come smack in the middle of the busiest seasons of this year in life and ministry.  While I'm sure this power outage has meant different things for each person affected, for me, I see it as both a spiritual test and/or possibly even a "dart" of the enemy whose goal is to frustrate the advancement of God's kingdom.  Thankfully, God is not taken off-guard or frustrated and He is able to use ALL things for His purposes. 

One thing I've been reminded of during this expeience is that God's POWER is made perfect in our weaknesses.  When I am weak, then I am strong in Him. I think we need seasons where we are out of control so that we can be reminded that everything we are and do for God, is because of Him!   Life and ministry is going to go on and God's power is going to come through even when the electricity doesn't! 

So today I'm choosing to take comfort in knowing that as I minister over the next couple of days (on tv, and in person) that God is going to make up for any lack in me--emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  Perhaps He purposed to empty me some so that there's more room for Him!


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