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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Heart of Worship

Hi Everyone! I realize this blog has been virtually empty since the launch of my website and I'm hoping to change that. I figure a good place to start is to blog a little about the worship and prayer service I recently led, called The Heart of Worship. So, here goes...

The initial vision for The Heart of Worship was birthed many years ago while I was living in Winnipeg, Manitoba. At that time I was blessed to be part of a thriving Christian community who loved to worship through music. Once a month, Christians from all over the city came together on a Saturday night just to worship in song. It was led by local musicians and one special singer/songwriter in particular named Steve Bell. If you haven't yet heard his music, you should check out www.stevebell.com. This Saturday night event became so popular that it wasn't long before they had to move to largest church and then into a neutral theater. It was a real highlight for me and many others. God really used those services to minister to people and to unify the body of Christ in that city.

It's been almost 20 years since those days in Winnipeg, MB. It's hard to believe I've already lived in Columbus, OH for almost 9 years (a personal record for me!). For many years I've carried this vision of leading a large gathering of worshippers from all Christian walks. Finally, in mid 2009, I decided to approach one of my church leaders with this vision. He was open and gave me his blessing to proceed with planning a single event. Originally planned to occur in November, 2009, the event was postponed to April, 2010.

So, this past Sunday, I saw the first phase of my vision realized. About 150 people gathered at UALC on Lytham Road to spend a couple hours in the Lord's presence. It was a beautiful night and I was so pleased to hear positive feedback and people's interest in doing it again. Some even suggested monthly! It was very affirming to hear that others felt the same need that I have felt for many years--for an extended time to soak in the Lord's presence.

There are no set plans for another service like this, but I'm confident it will happen again. Right now, my goal is to solicit more specific feedback from people and hear what they liked about the night and what we might be able to improve upon. So, if you were there, please drop me a line and let me know your thoughts.


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